One is straight away struck by a paucity of words availed to expound this chanced-upon poiesis born in crevasses of cultural hybridity and nourished in the no man's lands of ascetic transmutation

Michel Tapie de Celeyran

Large nose, tip, thin, "rubbing his hands like the flies," as well, remarked Jeanne Facchetti. With a flair to convince the billionaires. He introduced American painting in France and spotted the rare interesting painters of Paris. Each time that a painter was introduced to him, he asked: "Is he rich?"

Grand nez, boute, maigre, "se frottant les mains comme les mouches" ainsi que le disait Jeanne Facchetti. Avec un flair pour convaincre les milliardaires. Il à introduit la peinture américaine en France et repéré les rares peintres intéressants de Paris. Chaque fois qu'on lui présentait un peintre, il demandait : "Est-il riche?"
(Laubies, 2001.)

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