One is straight away struck by a paucity of words availed to expound this chanced-upon poiesis born in crevasses of cultural hybridity and nourished in the no man's lands of ascetic transmutation. (This site is authored and maintained by Troy Harris, |

Art Informel

In its 1950s French art critical context, Art Informel (alternately spelled Art informal) indicated little in the sense of "informal art," the proposition of a casual, loosened or relaxed art handling or simple diminution of formal-ness. Art Informel was pointedly concerned with the non-appearance of form itself, with the un-formal, the un-form-ulated. Nuanced more insightfully, its cardinal aim was the non-allowance, indeed the non-substantiation of any conception or structuration that granted validity to the Continent's fixation on the dissimulative myth of intentionality.

See The reification of dawn's resolve

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